Dennis Tener Miami Fl
Dennis Tener Miami Fl called a kids company in New York asking for a costume the company doesn’t own. The company stated many clients are not responsible enough to look at the website before calling to see if that product is offered. The company stated they get many irresponsible adults on a daily basis that waste the companies time. The company told Dennis Tener of Miami Fl that they didn’t own the costume he was looking for 3 times on the phone. The company then stated to this bad customer have a nice day and hung up the phone. Phone recording will show proof of conversation.
Dennis Tener Miami Fl called the kids company to start arguing the fact the company hung up the phone line. This bad customer was volatile and threatened to harm the company by doing reviews if the company didn’t remain on the phone with him, HOLDING THE COMPANY HOSTAGE all while Dennis attempted to EXTORT the company. The company stated angry people like this every day call into the office, some of the calls are prank harassment calls especially from high-school and college kids when they are out of school. This person is a VOLATILE person and it should be noted that any and all services, work relationships understand that this man is an emotional TIME BOMB with STRICT DEMANDS and if his DEMANDS aren’t met to his selfish liking he will attempt to HURT you.
BLACKLIST Dennis Tener Miami Fl from all services and working relationships.